17 December 2023

Systems Thinking: On Sensitivity (Quotes)

"Although a system may exhibit sensitive dependence on initial condition, this does not mean that everything is unpredictable about it. In fact, finding what is predictable in a background of chaos is a deep and important problem. (Which means that, regrettably, it is unsolved.) In dealing with this deep and important problem, and for want of a better approach, we shall use common sense." (David Ruelle, "Chance and Chaos", 1991)

"[…] the standard theory of chaos deals with time evolutions that come back again and again close to where they were earlier. Systems that exhibit this eternal return" are in general only moderately complex. The historical evolution of very complex systems, by contrast, is typically one way: history does not repeat itself. For these very complex systems with one-way evolution it is usually clear that sensitive dependence on initial condition is present. The question is then whether it is restricted by regulation mechanisms, or whether it leads to long-term important consequences." (David Ruelle, "Chance and Chaos", 1991)

"How can deterministic behavior look random? If truly identical states do occur on two or more occasions, it is unlikely that the identical states that will necessarily follow will be perceived as being appreciably different. What can readily happen instead is that almost, but not quite, identical states occurring on two occasions will appear to be just alike, while the states that follow, which need not be even nearly alike, will be observably different. In fact, in some dynamical systems it is normal for two almost identical states to be followed, after a sufficient time lapse, by two states bearing no more resemblance than two states chosen at random from a long sequence. Systems in which this is the case are said to be sensitively dependent on initial conditions. With a few more qualifications, to be considered presently, sensitive dependence can serve as an acceptable definition of chaos [...]" (Edward N Lorenz, "The Essence of Chaos", 1993)

"Chaos has three fundamental characteristics. They are (a) irregular periodicity, (b) sensitivity to initial conditions, and (c) a lack of predictability. These characteristics interact within any one chaotic setting to produce highly complex nonlinear variable trajectories."(Courtney Brown, "Chaos and Catastrophe Theories", 1995)

"First, social systems are inherently insensitive to most policy changes that people choose in an effort to alter the behavior of systems. In fact, social systems draw attention to the very points at which an attempt to intervene will fail. Human intuition develops from exposure to simple systems. In simple systems, the cause of a trouble is close in both time and space to symptoms of the trouble. If one touches a hot stove, the burn occurs here and now; the cause is obvious. However, in complex dynamic systems, causes are often far removed in both time and space from the symptoms. True causes may lie far back in time and arise from an entirely different part of the system from when and where the symptoms occur. However, the complex system can mislead in devious ways by presenting an apparent cause that meets the expectations derived from simple systems." (Jay W Forrester, "Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems", 1995)

"Second, social systems seem to have a few sensitive influence points through which behavior can be changed. These high-influence points are not where most people expect. Furthermore, when a high-influence policy is identified, the chances are great that a person guided by intuition and judgment will alter the system in the wrong direction." (Jay W Forrester, "Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems", 1995)

"Small changes in the initial conditions in a chaotic system produce dramatically different evolutionary histories. It is because of this sensitivity to initial conditions that chaotic systems are inherently unpredictable. To predict a future state of a system, one has to be able to rely on numerical calculations and initial measurements of the state variables. Yet slight errors in measurement combined with extremely small computational errors (from roundoff or truncation) make prediction impossible from a practical perspective. Moreover, small initial errors in prediction grow exponentially in chaotic systems as the trajectories evolve. Thus, theoretically, prediction may be possible with some chaotic processes if one is interested only in the movement between two relatively close points on a trajectory. When longer time intervals are involved, the situation becomes hopeless." (Courtney Brown, "Chaos and Catastrophe Theories", 1995)

"Swarm systems generate novelty for three reasons: (1) They are 'sensitive to initial conditions' - a scientific shorthand for saying that the size of the effect is not proportional to the size of the cause - so they can make a surprising mountain out of a molehill. (2) They hide countless novel possibilities in the exponential combinations of many interlinked individuals. (3) They don’t reckon individuals, so therefore individual variation and imperfection can be allowed. In swarm systems with heritability, individual variation and imperfection will lead to perpetual novelty, or what we call evolution." (Kevin Kelly, "Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems and the Economic World", 1995)

"Another implication of the Law of Requisite Variety is that the member of a system that has the most flexibility also tends to be the catalytic member of that system. This is a significant principle for leadership in particular. The ability to be flexible and sensitive to variation is important in terms of managing the system itself." (Robert B Dilts, "Modeling with NLP", 1998)

"The mental models people use to guide their decisions are dynamically deficient. […] people generally adopt an event-based, open-loop view of causality, ignore feedback processes, fail to appreciate time delays between action and response and in the reporting of information, do not understand stocks and flows and are insensitive to nonlinearities that may alter the strengths of different feedback loops as a system evolves." (John D Sterman, "Business Dynamics: Systems thinking and modeling for a complex world", 2000)

"This is a general characteristic of self-organizing systems: they are robust or resilient. This means that they are relatively insensitive to perturbations or errors, and have a strong capacity to restore themselves, unlike most human designed systems." (Francis Heylighen, "The Science of Self-Organization and Adaptivity", 2001)

"In chaos theory this 'butterfly effect' highlights the extreme sensitivity of nonlinear systems at their bifurcation points. There the slightest perturbation can push them into chaos, or into some quite different form of ordered behavior. Because we can never have total information or work to an infinite number of decimal places, there will always be a tiny level of uncertainty that can magnify to the point where it begins to dominate the system. It is for this reason that chaos theory reminds us that uncertainty can always subvert our attempts to encompass the cosmos with our schemes and mathematical reasoning." (F David Peat, "From Certainty to Uncertainty", 2002)

"[…] some systems (system is just a jargon for anything, like the swinging pendulum or the Solar System, or water dripping from a tap)  are very sensitive to their starting conditions, so that a tiny difference in the initial ‘push’ you give them causes a big difference in where they end up, and there is feedback, so that what a system does affects its own behavior."(John Gribbin, "Deep Simplicity", 2004)

"Two things explain the importance of the normal distribution: (1) The central limit effect that produces a tendency for real error distributions to be 'normal like'. (2) The robustness to nonnormality of some common statistical procedures, where 'robustness' means insensitivity to deviations from theoretical normality." (George E P Box et al, "Statistics for Experimenters: Design, discovery, and innovation" 2nd Ed., 2005)

"Physically, the stability of the dynamics is characterized by the sensitivity to initial conditions. This sensitivity can be determined for statistically stationary states, e.g. for the motion on an attractor. If this motion demonstrates sensitive dependence on initial conditions, then it is chaotic. In the popular literature this is often called the 'Butterfly Effect', after the famous 'gedankenexperiment' of Edward Lorenz: if a perturbation of the atmosphere due to a butterfly in Brazil induces a thunderstorm in Texas, then the dynamics of the atmosphere should be considered as an unpredictable and chaotic one. By contrast, stable dependence on initial conditions means that the dynamics is regular." (Ulrike Feudel et al, "Strange Nonchaotic Attractors", 2006)

"This phenomenon, common to chaos theory, is also known as sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Just a small change in the initial conditions can drastically change the long-term behavior of a system. Such a small amount of difference in a measurement might be considered experimental noise, background noise, or an inaccuracy of the equipment." (Greg Rae, Chaos Theory: A Brief Introduction, 2006)

"Sensitive dependence on initial conditions is one of the criteria necessary for showing a solution to a difference equation exhibits chaotic behavior." (Linda J S Allen, "An Introduction to Mathematical Biology", 2007)

"A characteristic of such chaotic dynamics is an extreme sensitivity to initial conditions (exponential separation of neighboring trajectories), which puts severe limitations on any forecast of the future fate of a particular trajectory. This sensitivity is known as the ‘butterfly effect’: the state of the system at time t can be entirely different even if the initial conditions are only slightly changed, i.e., by a butterfly flapping its wings." (Hans J Korsch et al, "Chaos: A Program Collection for the PC", 2008)

"One of the remarkable features of these complex systems created by replicator dynamics is that infinitesimal differences in starting positions create vastly different patterns. This sensitive dependence on initial conditions is often called the butterfly-effect aspect of complex systems - small changes in the replicator dynamics or in the starting point can lead to enormous differences in outcome, and they change one’s view of how robust the current reality is. If it is complex, one small change could have led to a reality that is quite different." (David Colander & Roland Kupers, "Complexity and the art of public policy : solving society’s problems from the bottom up", 2014)

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