01 November 2019

🏷️Knowledge Representation: On Models (Quotes)

"The pleasures of the imagination are as it were only drawings and models which are played with by poor people who cannot afford the real thing." (Georg C Lichtenberg, Notebook C, 1772-1773)

"There are no rules or models; that is, there are no rules except general laws of nature which hover over art and special laws which apply to specific subjects.” (Victor M Hugo, “Cromwell”, 1827)

"The first process therefore in the effectual study of science must be one of simplification and reduction of results of previous investigation to a form in which the mind can grasp them. The results of this simplification may take the form of a purely mathematical formula or of a physical hypothesis." (James C Maxwell, "On Faraday’s lines of force", 1855)

"We must therefore discover some method of investigation which allows the mind at every step to lay hold of a clear physical conception, without being committed to any theory founded on the physical science from which that conception is borrowed, so that it is neither drawn aside from the subject in pursuit of analytical subtleties, nor carried beyond the truth by a favourite hypothesis." (James C Maxwell, "On Faraday’s lines of force", 1855)

"In order to depict nature in its exalted sublimity, we must not dwell exclusively on its external manifestations, but we must trace its image, reflected in the mind of man, at one time filling the dreamy land of physical myths with forms of grace and beauty, and at another developing the noble germ of artistic creations." (Alexander von Humboldt, "Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe" Vol. 2, 1869)

"As long as the training of a naturalist enables him to trace the action only of a particular material system, without giving him the power of dealing with the general properties of all such systems, he must proceed by the method so often described in histories of science - he must imagine model after model of hypothetical apparatus, till he finds one which will do the required work. If this apparatus should afterwards be found capable of accounting for many of the known phenomena, and not demonstrably inconsistent with any of them, he is strongly tempted to conclude that his hypothesis is a fact, at least until an equally good rival hypothesis has been invented." (James C Maxwell, "Tait’s Thermodynamics", Nature Vol. XVII (431), 1878)

"It seems to me that the test of 'Do we or do we not understand a particular subject in physics?' is, 'Can we make a mechanical model of it?'" (William Thomson, "Notes of lectures on molecular dynamics and the wave theory of light", 1884)

" […] as a general rule, that in selecting a particular case for constructing a model the first prerequisite is regularity. By selecting a symmetrical form for the model, not only is the execution simplified, but what is of more importance, the model will be of such a character as to impress itself readily on the mind." (Felix Klein, 1893)

"Harmonious order governing eternally continuous progress - the web and woof of matter and force interweaving by slow degrees, without a broken thread, that veil which lies between us and the Infinite - that universe which alone we know or can know; such is the picture which science draws of the world, and in proportion as any part of that picture is in unison with the rest, so may we feel sure that it is rightly painted." (Thomas H Huxley, "Darwiniana", 1893–94)

"Experience teaches that one will be led to new discoveries almost exclusively by means of special mechanical models." (Ludwig Boltzmann, "Lectures on Gas Theory", 1896)

"To use an old analogy - and here we can hardly go except upon analogy - while the building of Nature is growing spontaneously from within, the model of it, which we seek to construct in our descriptive science, can only be constructed by means of scaffolding from without, a scaffolding of hypotheses. While in the real building all is continuous, in our model there are detached parts which must be connected with the rest by temporary ladders and passages, or which must be supported till we can see how to fill in the understructure. To give the hypotheses equal validity with facts is to confuse the temporary scaffolding with the building itself.” (John H Poynting, 1899)

"Confronted with the mystery of the Universe, we are driven to ask if the model our minds have framed at all corresponds with the reality; if, indeed, there be any reality behind the image." (Sir William Cecil Dampier, "The Recent Development of Physical Science", 1904)

"The different sciences are not even parts of a whole; they are but different aspects of a whole, which essentially has nothing in it corresponding to the divisions we make; they are, so to speak, sections of our model of Nature in certain arbitrary planes, cut in directions to suit our convenience." (Sir William Cecil Dampier, "The Recent Development of Physical Science", 1904)

"We can only study Nature through our senses – that is […] we can only study the model of Nature that our senses enable our minds to construct; we cannot decide whether that model, consistent though it be, represents truly the real structure of Nature; whether, indeed, there be any Nature as an ultimate reality behind its phenomena." (Sir William C Dampier, "The Recent Development of Physical Science", 1904)

"A symbolical representation of a method of calculation has the same significance for a mathematician as a model or a visualisable working hypothesis has for a physicist. The symbol, the model, the hypothesis runs parallel with the thing to be represented. But the parallelism may extend farther, or be extended farther, than was originally intended on the adoption of the symbol. Since the thing represented and the device representing are after all different, what would be concealed in the one is apparent in the other." (Ernst Mach, "Space and Geometry: In the Light of physiological, phycological and physical inquiry", 1906) 

“We should always aim toward the economy of thought. It is not enough to give models for imitation. It must be possible to pass beyond these models and, in place of repeating their reasoning at length each time, to sum this in a few words.” (Jules H Poincaré, 1909)

"Science, considered as to its growth, not only rises to ever greater objectivity, but by contrast carries to a higher point the subjectivity of its representations which are its means of conquest." (Federigo Enriques, "Problems of Science", 1914) 

"It seems rather futile, if such be the normal history of hypothetical models, to inflict on us the labor of learning abstruse hypotheses which continually revamp old metaphysical terms and merely dress them up in new transcendental symbols. It is a valuable exercise to strip hypotheses of their technical phraseology; to change those words which deceive our minds into believing that a clear idea has been conveyed, when, in fact, they have merely been wrenched from any real significance." (Louis T More," The Limitations of Science", 1915)

"Our model of Nature […] should be like an engine with movable parts. We need not fix the position of any one lever; that is to be adjusted from time to time as the latest observations indicate. The aim of the theorist is to know the train of wheels which the lever sets in motion - that binding of the parts which is the soul of the engine." (Sir Arthur S Eddington, "The Internal Constitution of Stars", Nature Vol. 106 (2603), 1920)

"As we continue the great adventure of scientific exploration our models must often be recast. New laws and postulates will be required, while those that we already have must be broadened, extended and generalized in ways that we are now hardly able to surmise." (Gilbert Newton Lewis, "The Anatomy of Science", 1926)

"[…] the main object of physical science is not the provision of pictures, but in the formulation of laws governing phenomena and the application of these laws to the discovery of new phenomena. If a picture exists, so much the better; but whether a picture exists or not is a matter of only secondary importance. In the case of atomic phenomena no picture can be expected to exist in the usual sense of the word ‘picture’, by which is meant to model functioning essentially on classical lines. One may extend the meaning of the word ‘picture’ to include any way of looking at the fundamental laws which make their self-consistency obvious. With this extension, one may acquire a picture of atomic phenomena by becoming familiar with the laws of quantum theory." (Paul A M Dirac, "The Principles of Quantum Mechanics", 1930)

"Physics is the attempt at the conceptual construction of a model of the real world and its lawful structure." (Albert Einstein, [letter to Moritz Schlick] 1931)

"Science has two main functions in civilization. One is to give man a picture of the world phenomena, the most accurate and complete picture possible. The other is to provide him with the means of controlling his environment and his destiny." (Julian Huxley, "What Dare I Think?", 1931)

"The essential fact is simply that all the pictures which science now draws of nature, and which alone seem capable of according with observational fact, are mathematical pictures." (Sir James H Jeans, "The Mysterious Universe", 1932)

"The making of models or pictures to explain mathematical formulae and the phenomena they describe is not a step towards, but a step away from reality; it is like making graven images of a spirit." (Sir James H Jeans, "The Mysterious Universe", 1932)

"[…] the supreme task of the physicist is the discovery of the most general elementary laws from which the world-picture can be deduced logically. […] the fact that in science we have to be content with an incomplete picture of the physical universe is not due to the nature of the universe itself but rather to us." (Albert Einstein, [preface to Max Planck's "Where is Science Going?"] 1933)

"[…] our knowledge of the external world must always consist of numbers, and our picture of the universe - the synthesis of our knowledge - must necessarily be mathematical in form." (Sir James H Jeans, "The New World-Picture of Modern Physics", Supplement to Nature Vol. 134 (3384), 1934)

"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality." (Nikola Tesla, "Radio Power Will Revolutionize the World", Modern Mechanics and Inventions, 1934)

"The atomic theory plays a part in physics similar to that of certain auxiliary concepts in mathematics: it is a mathematical model for facilitating the mental reproduction of facts." (Ernst Mach, "The Science of Mechanics" 5th Ed, 1942)

"A model, like a novel, may resonate with nature, but it is not a ‘real’ thing. Like a novel, a model may be convincing – it may ‘ring true’ if it is consistent with our experience of the natural world. But just as we may wonder how much the characters in a novel are drawn from real life and how much is artifice, we might ask the same of a model: How much is based on observation and measurement of accessible phenomena, how much is convenience? Fundamentally, the reason for modeling is a lack of full access, either in time or space, to the phenomena of interest." (Kenneth Belitz, Science, Vol. 263, 1944)

"A material model is the representation of a complex system by a system which is assumed simpler and which is also assumed to have some properties similar to those selected for study in the original complex system. A formal model is a symbolic assertion in logical terms of an idealised relatively simple situation sharing the structural properties of the original factual system." (Arturo Rosenblueth & Norbert Wiener, "The Role of Models in Science", Philosophy of Science Vol. 12 (4), 1945)

"No substantial part of the universe is so simple that it can be grasped and controlled without abstraction. Abstraction consists in replacing the part of the universe under consideration by a model of similar but simpler structure. Models, formal or intellectual on the one hand, or material on the other, are thus a central necessity of scientific procedure." (Arturo Rosenblueth & Norbert Wiener, "The Role of Models in Science", Philosophy of Science Vol. 12 (4), 1945)

"The best model of a cat is a cat. Preferably the same cat." (Arturo Rosenblueth, "Philosophy of Science", 1945) [also attributed to Norbert Wiener]

"As our mental eye penetrates into smaller and smaller distances and shorter and shorter times, we find nature behaving so entirely differently from what we observe in visible and palpable bodies of our surroundings that no model shaped after our large-scale experiences can ever be ‘true’. A complete satisfactory model of this type is not only practically inaccessible, but not even thinkable. Or, to be precise, we can, of course, think of it, but however we think it, it is wrong; not perhaps quite as meaningless as a ‘triangular circle’, but more so than a ‘winged lion’." (Erwin Schrödinger," Science and Humanism", 1952)

“[…] one of the main functions of an analogy or model is to suggest extensions of the theory by considering extensions of the analogy, since more is known about the analogy than is known about the subject matter of the theory itself [...]" (Mary B Hesse, “Operational Definition and Analogy in Physical Theories”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (8), 1952)

"This model will be a simplification and an idealization, and consequently a falsification. It is to be hoped that the features retained for discussion are those of greatest importance in the present state of knowledge." (Alan M Turing, "The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis" , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences, Vol. 237 (641), 1952) 

"The principle of complementarity states that no single model is possible which could provide a precise and rational analysis of the connections between these phenomena [before and after measurement]. In such a case, we are not supposed, for example, to attempt to describe in detail how future phenomena arise out of past phenomena. Instead, we should simply accept without further analysis the fact that future phenomena do in fact somehow manage to be produced, in a way that is, however, necessarily beyond the possibility of a detailed description. The only aim of a mathematical theory is then to predict the statistical relations, if any, connecting the phenomena." (David Bohm, "A Suggested Interpretation of the Quantum Theory in Terms of ‘Hidden’ Variables", 1952)

"A possible realization in which all valid sentences of a theory T are satisfied is called a model of T." (Alfred Tarski et al, "Undecidable Theories" , 1953) 

"All great discoveries in experimental physics have been due to the intuition of men who made free use of models, which were for them not products of the imagination, but representatives of real things." (Max Born, "Physical Reality", Philosophical Quarterly Vol. (11), 1953)

"Consistency and completeness can also be characterized in terms of models: a theory T is consistent if and only if it has at least one model; it is complete if and only if every sentence of T which is satified in one model is also satisfied in any other model of T. Two theories T1 and T2 are said to be compatible if they have a common consistent extension; this is equivalent to saying that the union of T1 and T2 is consistent." (Alfred Tarski et al, "Undecidable Theories" , 1953) 

"Nature is more subtle, more deeply intertwined and more strangely integrated than any of our pictures of her - than any of our errors. It is not merely that our pictures are not full enough; each of our pictures in the end turns out to be so basically mistaken that the marvel is that it worked at all." (Jacob Bronowski, "The Common Sense of Science", 1953)

"The striking parallel between the economic models that are currently under discussion and some engineering systems suggests the hope that in some way the rapid progress in the development of the theory and practice of automatic control in the world of engineering may contribute to the solution of the economic problems." (Arnold Tustin "The Mechanism of Economic Systems", 1953) 

"Despite all the richness of what men have learned about the world of nature, of matter and of space, of change and of life, we carry with us today an image of the giant machine as a sign of what the objective world is really like." (J Robert Oppenheimer, "Science and the Common Understanding", 1954)

"Scientific metaphors are called models. They are made with the full knowledge that the connection between the metaphor and the real thing is primarily in the mind of the scientist. And they are made with a clearly definable purpose - as starting points of a deductive process. […] Like every other aspect of scientific procedure, the scientific metaphor is a pragmatic device, to be used freely as long as it serves its purpose, to be discarded without regrets when it fails to do so." (Anatol Rapoport, "Operational Philosophy", 1954) 

"The laws of science are the permanent contribution to knowledge - the individual pieces which are fitted together attempt to form a picture of the physical universe in action." (Edwin P Hubble, "The Nature of Science and Other Lectures", 1954)

"The sciences do not try to explain, they hardly even try to interpret, they mainly make models. By a model is meant a mathematical construct which, with the addition of certain verbal interpretations, describes observed phenomena. The justification of such a mathematical construct is solely and precisely that it is expected to work" (John Von Neumann, "Method in the Physical Sciences", 1955)

"The construction of an economic model, or of any model or theory for that matter (or the writing of a novel, a short story, or a play) consists of snatching from the enormous and complex mass of facts called reality, a few simple, easily-managed key points which, when put together in some cunning way, become for certain purposes a substitute for reality itself." (Evsey Domar, "Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth", 1957)

"The time has come to realise that an interpretation of the universe - even a positive one - remains unsatisfying unless it covers the interior as well as the exterior of things; mind as well as matter. The true physics is that which will, one day, achieve the inclusion of man in his wholeness in a coherent picture of the world." (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, "The Phenomenon of Man", 1959)

"[a pictorial representation] is not a faithful record of a visual experience, but the faithful construction of a relational model […] Such a model can be constructed to any required degree of accuracy . What is decisive here is clearly the word 'required'. The form of a representation cannot be divorced from its purpose and the requirements of the society in which the given visual language gains currency." (Ernst H Gombrich," Art and illusion", 1960)

"In fact, the construction of mathematical models for various fragments of the real world, which is the most essential business of the applied mathematician, is nothing but an exercise in axiomatics." (Marshall Stone, cca 1960)

"It is of our very nature to see the universe as a place that we can talk about. In particular, you will remember, the brain tends to compute by organizing all of its input into certain general patterns. It is natural for us, therefore, to try to make these grand abstractions, to seek for one formula, one model, one God, around which we can organize all our communication and the whole business of living." (John Z Young, "Doubt and Certainty in Science: A Biologist’s Reflections on the Brain", 1960)

"For a certain domain of facts let no theory be known. If we replace our study of this domain by the study of another set of facts for which a theory is well known, and that has certain important characteristics in common with the field under investigation, then we use a model to develop our knowledge from a zero (or near zero) starting point." (Leo Apostel, "Towards the formal study of models in the non-formal sciences", Synthese Vol. 12 (2-3), 1960)

"[…] no models are [true] = not even the Newtonian laws. When you construct a model you leave out all the details which you, with the knowledge at your disposal, consider inessential. […] Models should not be true, but it is important that they are applicable, and whether they are applicable for any given purpose must of course be investigated. This also means that a model is never accepted finally, only on trial." (Georg Rasch, "Probabilistic Models for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests", 1960)

"Scientific research utilises models in many places, as instruments in the service of many different needs. The first requirement a study of model-building in science should satisfy is not to neglect this undeniable diversity (as has sometimes been done), and, when recognising this multiplicity, to realise that the same instrument cannot perform all those functions (often the multiplicity of function is recognised but either not to a full extent, or not with respect to the difference of structure it implies)." (Leo Apostel, "Towards the formal study of models in the non-formal sciences", Synthese Vol. 12 (2-3), 1960)

"The attempt to characterize exactly models of an empirical theory almost inevitably yields a more precise and clearer understanding of the exact character of a theory. The emptiness and shallowness of many classical theories in the social sciences is well brought out by the attempt to formulate in any exact fashion what constitutes a model of the theory. The kind of theory which mainly consists of insightful remarks and heuristic slogans will not be amenable to this treatment. The effort to make it exact will at the same time reveal the weakness of the theory." (Patrick Suppes," A Comparison of the Meaning and Uses of Models in Mathematics and the Empirical Sciences", Synthese  Vol. 12 (2/3), 1960)

"Model-making, the imaginative and logical steps which precede the experiment, may be judged the most valuable part of scientific method because skill and insight in these matters are rare. Without them we do not know what experiment to do. But it is the experiment which provides the raw material for scientific theory. Scientific theory cannot be built directly from the conclusions of conceptual models." (Herbert G Andrewartha, "Introduction to the Study of Animal Population", 1961) 

"[...] sciences do not try to explain, they hardly even try to interpret, they mainly make models. By a model is meant a mathematical construct which, with the addition of certain verbal interpretations, describes observed phenomena. The justification of such a mathematical construct is solely and precisely that it is expected to work - that is, correctly to describe phenomena from a reasonably wide area. Furthermore, it must satisfy certain aesthetic criteria - that is, in relation to how much it describes, it must be rather simple." (John von Neumann, "Method in the physical sciences", 1961)

"[…] the progress of science is a little like making a jig-saw puzzle. One makes collections of pieces which certainly fit together, though at first it is not clear where each group should come in the picture as a whole, and if at first one makes a mistake in placing it, this can be corrected later without dismantling the whole group." (Sir George Thomson, "The Inspiration of Science", 1961)

"Every metaphor is the tip of a submerged model. […] Use of theoretical models resembles the use of metaphors in requiring analogical transfer of a vocabulary. Metaphor and model-making reveal new relationships; both are attempts to pour new content into old bottles." (Max Black," Models and Metaphors", 1962)

"Scientific models have all these connotations. They are representations of states, objects, and events. They are idealized in the sense that they are less complicated than reality and hence easier to use for research purposes. These models are easier to manipulate and 'carry' than the real thing. The simplicity of models, compared with reality, lies in the fact that only the relevant properties of reality are represented." (Russell L Ackoff, "Scientific Method: optimizing applied research decisions", 1962) 

"Scientists work from models acquired through education and through subsequent exposure to the literature often without quite knowing or needing to know what characteristics have given these models the status of community paradigms." (Thomas Kuhn, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", 1962)

"The word model is used as a noun, adjective, and verb, and in each instance it has a slightly different connotation. As a noun 'model' is a representation in the sense in which an architect constructs a small-scale model of a building or a physicist a large-scale model of an atom. As an adjective 'model' implies a degree of perfection or idealization, as in reference to a model home, a model student, or a model husband. As an adjective 'model' implies a degree or perfection or idealization, as in reference to a model home, a model student, or a model husband. As a verb 'to model' means to demonstrate, to reveal, to show what a thing is like." (Russell L Ackoff, "Scientific Method: optimizing applied research decisions", 1962) 

“[…] the intrinsic value of a small-scale model is that it compensates for the renunciation of sensible dimensions by the acquisition of intelligible dimensions.” (Claude Levi- Strauss, “The Savage Mind”, 1962)

"A model is essentially a calculating engine designed to produce some output for a given input." (Richard C Lewontin, "Models, Mathematics and Metaphors", Synthese, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1963)

"If our model is to be at all realistic, it will also need to be rather complex, It will in fact be too complex for easy handling by the traditional analytic measures, even after suitable simplifications." (Charles P Bonini, "Simulation of Information and Decision System in the Firm" , 1963)

"Mathematical statistics provides an exceptionally clear example of the relationship between mathematics and the external world. The external world provides the experimentally measured distribution curve; mathematics provides the equation (the mathematical model) that corresponds to the empirical curve. The statistician may be guided by a thought experiment in finding the corresponding equation." (Marshall J Walker, "The Nature of Scientific Thought", 1963)

"After all, without the experiment - either a real one or a mathematical model - there would be no reason for a theory of probability." (Thornton C Fry, "Probability and Its Engineering Uses" , 1965)

"Celestial navigation is based on the premise that the Earth is the center of the universe. The premise is wrong, but the navigation works. An incorrect model can be a useful tool." (R A J Phillips, "A Day in the Life of Kelvin Throop", Analog Science Fiction and Science Fact, Vol. 73 No. 5, 1964)

"Science begins with the world we have to live in, accepting its data and trying to explain its laws. From there, it moves toward the imagination: it becomes a mental construct, a model of a possible way of interpreting experience." (Northrop Frye, "The Educated Imagination", 1964)

"A more problematic example is the parallel between the increasingly abstract and insubstantial picture of the physical universe which modern physics has given us and the popularity of abstract and non-representational forms of art and poetry. In each case the representation of reality is increasingly removed from the picture which is immediately presented to us by our senses." (Harvey Brooks, "Scientific Concepts and Cultural Change", 1965)

"The usefulness of the models in constructing a testable theory of the process is severely limited by the quickly increasing number of parameters which must be estimated in order to compare the predictions of the models with empirical results" (Anatol Rapoport, "Prisoner's Dilemma: A study in conflict and cooperation", 1965)

"A model is a useful (and often indispensable) framework on which to organize our knowledge about a phenomenon. […] It must not be overlooked that the quantitative consequences of any model can be no more reliable than the a priori agreement between the assumptions of the model and the known facts about the real phenomenon. When the model is known to diverge significantly from the facts, it is self-deceiving to claim quantitative usefulness for it by appeal to agreement between a prediction of the model and observation." (John R Philip, 1966)

"It is of course desirable to work with manageable models which maximize generality, realism, and precision toward the overlapping but not identical goals of understanding, predicting, and modifying nature. But this cannot be done."(Richard Levins, "The strategy of model building in population biology", American Scientist Vol. 54 (4), 1966)

"Science has assumed such an important role in determining the parameters of national and international life, that participation in national decisions by people whose world picture has been affected by the study and practice of science (even if this picture has its own bias), is indispensable for many major political decisions - to correct the bias of the more traditional molders of national decisions, such as men with legal training." (Eugene Rabinowitch, "Open Season on Scientists", The New Republic, 1966)

"The most natural way to give an independence proof is to establish a model with the required properties. This is not the only way to proceed since one can attempt to deal directly and analyze the structure of proofs. However, such an approach to set theoretic questions is unnatural since all our intuition come from our belief in the natural, almost physical model of the mathematical universe." (Paul J Cohen, "Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis", 1966)

"The validation of a model is not that it is 'true' but that it generates good testable hypotheses relevant to important problems.” (Richard Levins, "The Strategy of Model Building in Population Biology”, 1966)

“[…] mathematics is not portraying laws inherent in the design of the universe but is merely providing man-made schemes or models which we can use to deduce conclusions about our world only to the extent that the model is a good idealization.” (Morris Kline, “Mathematics for the Nonmathematician”, 1967)

"Any theory starts off with an observer or experimenter. He has in mind a collection of abstract models with predictive capabilities. Using various criteria of relevance, he selects one of them. In order to actually make predictions, this model must be interpreted and identified with a real assembly to form a theory. The interpretation may be prescriptive or predictive, as when the model is used like a blueprint for designing a machine and predicting its states. On the other hand, it may be descriptive and predictive as it is when the model is used to explain and predict the behaviour of a given organism." (Gordon Pask, "The meaning of cybernetics in the behavioural sciences", 1969)

"Models are, for the most part, caricatures of reality, but if they are good, then like good caricatures, they portray, though perhaps in a distorted manner, some of the features of the real world." (Mark Kac, "Some mathematical models in science" Science, Vol. 166 (3906), 1969)

"Models constitute a framework or a skeleton and the flesh and blood will have to be added by a lot of common sense and knowledge of details." (Jan Tinbergen, "The Use of Models: Experience," 1969) 

"The main role of models is not so much to explain and predict - though ultimately these are the main functions of science - as to polarize thinking and to pose sharp questions. Above all, they are fun to invent and to play with, and they have a peculiar life of their own. The 'survival of the fittest' applies to models even more than it does to living creatures. They should not, however, be allowed to multiply indiscriminately without real necessity or real purpose." (Mark Kac, "Some mathematical models in science" Science, Vol. 166 (3906), 1969)

"The advantages of models are, on one hand, that they force us to present a 'complete' theory by which I mean a theory taking into account all relevant phenomena and relations and, on the other hand, the confrontation with observation, that is, reality."(Jan Tinbergen, "The Use of Models: Experience," 1969)

"The laws of nature 'discovered' by science are merely mathematical or mechanical models that describe how nature behaves, not why, nor what nature 'actually' is. Science strives to find representations that accurately describe nature, not absolute truths. This fact distinguishes science from religion." (George O Abell, "Exploration of the Universe", 1969)

"Science is a product of man, of his mind; and science creates the real world in its own image." (Frank E Egler, "The Way of Science", 1970)

"[…] as a model of a complex system becomes more complete, it becomes less understandable. Alternatively, as a model grows more realistic, it also becomes just as difficult to understand as the real world processes it represents." (Jay M Dutton & William H Starbuck," Computer simulation models of human behavior: A history of an intellectual technology", IEEE Transactions on Systems, 1971)

"Models are to be used, but not to be believed." (Henri Theil, "Principles of Econometrics", 1971)

"Mathematics is much more than a language for dealing with the physical world. It is a source of models and abstractions which will enable us to obtain amazing new insights into the way in which nature operates. Indeed, the beauty and elegance of the physical laws themselves are only apparent when expressed in the appropriate mathematical framework." (Melvin Schwartz, "Principles of Electrodynamics", 1972)

"Nature is a network of happenings that do not unroll like a red carpet into time, but are intertwined between every part of the world; and we are among those parts. In this nexus, we cannot reach certainty because it is not there to be reached; it goes with the wrong model, and the certain answers ironically are the wrong answers. Certainty is a demand that is made by philosophers who contemplate the world from outside; and scientific knowledge is knowledge for action, not contemplation. There is no God’s eye view of nature, in relativity, or in any science: only a man’s eye view." (Jacob Bronowski, "The Identity of Man", 1972)

"A theory has only the alternative of being right or wrong. A model has a third possibility: it may be right, but irrelevant." (Manfred Eigen, 1973)

"Models are models of something, namely, [they are] reflections, representations of natural and artificial originals, that can themselves be models again. […] Models, in general, do not cover all the attributes of the originals they are representing, but only those [attributes] that seem relevant to the actual model creators and/or model users." (Herbert Stachowiak, "Allgemeine Modelltheorie", 1973)

"Models are not assigned per se uniquely to their originals. They perform their replacement function: a) for definite – cognitive and/or handling, model-using – subjects, b) within definite time intervals, c) under restrictions of definite operations of thought or fact. […] Models are not only models of something. They are also models for somebody, a human or an artificial model user. They perform thereby their functions in time, within a time interval. And finally, they are models for a definite purpose." (Herbert Stachowiak, "Allgemeine Modelltheorie", 1973)

"One aim of the physical sciences has been to give an exact picture of the material world. One achievement of physics in the twentieth century has been to prove that that aim is unattainable." (Jacob Bronowski, "The Ascent of Man", 1973)

"The pre-eminence of astronomy rests on the peculiarity that it can be treated mathematically; and the progress of physics, and most recently biology, has hinged equally on finding formulations of their laws that can be displayed as mathematical models." (Jacob Bronowski, "The Ascent of Man", 1973)

"The model of an object, process or phenomenon is some other object, process or phenomenon having certain features in common with the original. It is ordinarily assumed that the model is a simplified version of the object of study. However, it is not always easy to give precise meaning to the concept 'simpler than the original', for the simple reason that in reality all entities or phenomena are infinitely complicated and their study can be carried out with differing and constantly increasing degrees of accuracy." (Yakov Khurgin, "Did You Say Mathematics?", 1974)

"A model is an abstract description of the real world. It is a simple representation of more complex forms, processes and functions of physical phenomena and ideas." (Moshe F Rubinstein & Iris R Firstenberg, "Patterns of Problem Solving", 1975)

"A model is an attempt to represent some segment of reality and explain, in a simplified manner, the way the segment operates." (E Frank Harrison, "The managerial decision-making process" , 1975)

"The value of a model lies in its substitutability for the real system for achieving an intended purpose." (David I Cleland & William R King, "Systems analysis and project management" , 1975)

"Since all models are wrong the scientist cannot obtain a ‘correct’ one by excessive elaboration. On the contrary following William of Occam he should seek an economical description of natural phenomena. Just as the ability to devise simple but evocative models is the signature of the great scientist so overelaboration and overparameterization is often the mark of mediocrity." (George Box, "Science and Statistics", Journal of the American Statistical Association 71, 1976)

"The aim of the model is of course not to reproduce reality in all its complexity. It is rather to capture in a vivid, often formal, way what is essential to understanding some aspect of its structure or behavior." (Joseph Weizenbaum, "Computer power and human reason: From judgment to calculation" , 1976)

"The connection between a model and a theory is that a model satisfies a theory; that is, a model obeys those laws of behavior that a corresponding theory explicitly states or which may be derived from it. [...] Computers make possible an entirely new relationship between theories and models. [...] A theory written in the form of a computer program is [...] both a theory and, when placed on a computer and run, a model to which the theory applies." (Joseph Weizenbaum, "Computer Power and Human Reason", 1976)

"A model of the universe does not require faith, but a telescope. If it is wrong, it is wrong." (Paul C W Davies, "Space and Time in the Modern Universe", 1977)

"The model of the natural world we build in our minds by such a process will forever be inadequate, just a little cathedral in the mountains. Still it is better than no model at all." (Timothy Ferris, "The Red Limit: The Search for the Edge of the Universe", 1977)

"A mathematical model is any complete and consistent set of mathematical equations which are designed to correspond to some other entity, its prototype. The prototype may be a physical, biological, social, psychological or conceptual entity, perhaps even another mathematical model."  (Rutherford Aris, "Mathematical Modelling", 1978)

"A model […] is a story with a specified structure: to explain this catch phrase is to explain what a model is. The structure is given by the logical and mathematical form of a set of postulates, the assumptions of the model. The structure forms an uninterpreted system, in much the way the postulates of a pure geometry are now commonly regarded as doing. The theorems that follow from the postulates tell us things about the structure that may not be apparent from an examination of the postulates alone." (Allan Gibbard & Hal R. Varian, "Economic Models", The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 75, No. 11, 1978)

"Here is one way to look at physics: the physicists are men looking for new interpretations of the Book of Nature. After each pedestrian period of normal science, they dream up a new model, a new picture, a new vocabulary, and then they announce that the true meaning of the Book has been discovered." (Richard Rorty, "Philosophy as a Kind of Writing", 1978)

"Ideas that require people to reorganize their picture of the world provoke hostility." (James Gleick, "Chaos: Making a New Science" , 1987)

"One of the most insidious and nefarious properties of scientific models is their tendency to take over, and sometimes supplant, reality." (Erwin Chargaff, "Heraclitean Fire: Sketches from a Life Before Nature", 1978)

"After all of this it is a miracle that our models describe anything at all successfully. In fact, they describe many things well: we observe what they have predicted, and we understand what we observe. However, this last act of observation and understanding always eludes physical description." (Yuri I Manin, "Mathematics and Physics", 1981)

"Today abstraction is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror, or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being or substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: A hyperreal. The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it. It is nevertheless the map that precedes the territory - precession of simulacra - that engenders the territory." (Baudrillard Jean, "Simulacra and Simulation", 1981)

"The purpose of scientific enquiry is not to compile an inventory of factual information, nor to build up a totalitarian world picture of Natural Laws in which every event that is not compulsory is forbidden. We should think of it rather as a logically articulated structure of justifiable beliefs about nature. It begins as a story about a Possible World - a story which we invent and criticize and modify as we go along, so that it winds by being, as nearly as we can make it, a story about real life." (Sir Peter B Medawar, "Pluto’s Republic", 1982)

"In physics it is usual to give alternative theoretical treatments of the same phenomenon. We construct different models for different purposes, with different equations to describe them. Which is the right model, which the 'true' set of equations? The question is a mistake. One model brings out some aspects of the phenomenon; a different model brings out others. Some equations give a rougher estimate for a quantity of interest, but are easier to solve. No single model serves all purposes best." (Nancy Cartwright, "How the Laws of Physics Lie", 1983)

“The purpose of models is not to fit the data but to sharpen the questions.” (Samuel Karlin, 1983)

"Theoretical scientists, inching away from the safe and known, skirting the point of no return, confront nature with a free invention of the intellect. They strip the discovery down and wire it into place in the form of mathematical models or other abstractions that define the perceived relation exactly. The now-naked idea is scrutinized with as much coldness and outward lack of pity as the naturally warm human heart can muster. They try to put it to use, devising experiments or field observations to test its claims. By the rules of scientific procedure it is then either discarded or temporarily sustained. Either way, the central theory encompassing it grows. If the abstractions survive they generate new knowledge from which further exploratory trips of the mind can be planned. Through the repeated alternation between flights of the imagination and the accretion of hard data, a mutual agreement on the workings of the world is written, in the form of natural law." (Edward O Wilson, "Biophilia", 1984)

“There are those who try to generalize, synthesize, and build models, and there are those who believe nothing and constantly call for more data. The tension between these two groups is a healthy one; science develops mainly because of the model builders, yet they need the second group to keep them honest.” (Andrew Miall, “Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis”, 1984)

"To make progress in understanding all this, we probably need to begin with simplified (oversimplified?) models and ignore the critics’ tirade that the real world is more complex. The real world is always more complex, which has the advantage that we shan’t run out of work." (John Ball, "Memes as Replicators", Ethology and Sociobiology, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1984)

“Until now, physical theories have been regarded as merely models with approximately describe the reality of nature. As the models improve, so the fit between theory and reality gets closer. Some physicists are now claiming that supergravity is the reality, that the model and the real world are in mathematically perfect accord.” (Paul C W Davies, “Superforce”, 1984)

"[…] the more you see how strangely Nature behaves, the harder it is to make a model that explains how even the simplest phenomena actually work. So theoretical physics has given up on that." (Richard P Feynman, "QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter", 1985)

"Models are often used to decide issues in situations marked by uncertainty. However statistical differences from data depend on assumptions about the process which generated these data. If the assumptions do not hold, the inferences may not be reliable either. This limitation is often ignored by applied workers who fail to identify crucial assumptions or subject them to any kind of empirical testing. In such circumstances, using statistical procedures may only compound the uncertainty." (David A Greedman & William C Navidi, "Regression Models for Adjusting the 1980 Census", Statistical Science Vol. 1 (1), 1986)

"Competent scientists do not believe their own models or theories, but rather treat them as convenient fictions. […] The issue to a scientist is not whether a model is true, but rather whether there is another whose predictive power is enough better to justify movement from today's fiction to a new one." (Steve Vardeman," Comment", Journal of the American Statistical Association 82, 1987)

"Our choice of models, and to some extent our choice of words to describe them, is important because it affects how we think about the world. […] our choice of model decides what phenomena we regard as readily explicable, and which need further investigation." (J Maynard Smith, "How to Model Evolution", 1987)

"The fact that [the model] is an approximation does not necessarily detract from its usefulness because models are approximations. All models are wrong, but some are useful." (George Box, 1987)

"The essence of modeling, as we see it, is that one begins with a nontrivial word problem about the world around us. We then grapple with the not always obvious problem of how it can be posed as a mathematical question. Emphasis is on the evolution of a roughly conceived idea into a more abstract but manageable form in which inessentials have been eliminated. One of the lessons learned is that there is no best model, only better ones."  (Edward Beltrami, “Mathematics for Dynamic Modeling”, 1987)

"The model is only a suggestive metaphor, a fiction about the messy and unwieldy observations of the real world. In order for it to be persuasive, to convey a sense of credibility, it is important that it not be too complicated and that the assumptions that are made be clearly in evidence. In short, the model must be simple, transparent, and verifiable." (Edward Beltrami, "Mathematics for Dynamic Modeling", 1987)

"A theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements: it must accurately describe a large class of observations on the basis of a model that contains only a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations." (Stephen Hawking, "A Brief History of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes", 1988) 

"All science is based on models, and every scientific model comprises three distinct stages: statement of well-defined hypotheses; deduction of all the consequences of these hypotheses, and nothing but these consequences; confrontation of these consequences with observed data." (Maurice Allais, "An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science", [Noble lecture] 1988)

"Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?" (Stephen W Hawking, "A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes", 1988)

"[…] no good model ever accounted for all the facts, since some data was bound to be misleading if not plain wrong. A theory that did fit all the data would have been ‘carpentered’ to do this and would thus be open to suspicion." (Francis H C Crick, "What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery", 1988)

"Physicists are all too apt to look for the wrong sorts of generalizations, to concoct theoretical models that are too neat, too powerful, and too clean. Not surprisingly, these seldom fit well with data. To produce a really good biological theory, one must try to see through the clutter produced by evolution to the basic mechanisms. What seems to physicists to be a hopelessly complicated process may have been what nature found simplest, because nature could build on what was already there." (Francis H C Crick, "What Mad Pursuit?: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery", 1988)

“[…] no good model ever accounted for all the facts, since some data was bound to be misleading if not plain wrong. A theory that did fit all the data would have been ‘carpentered’ to do this and would thus be open to suspicion.” (Francis H C Crick, “What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery”, 1988)

"The model and the theory it represents must be accepted, at least temporarily, or rejected, depending on the agreement or disagreement between observed data and the hypotheses and implications of the model. When neither the hypotheses nor the implications of a theory can be confronted with the real world, that theory is devoid of any scientific interest. Mere logical, even mathematical, deduction remains worthless in terms of the understanding of reality if it is not closely linked to that reality." (Maurice Allais, "An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science", [Noble lecture] 1988)

"The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?" (Stephen Hawking, "A Brief History of Time", 1988)

"[…] a model is the picture of the real - a short form of the whole. Hence, a model is an abstraction or simplification of a system. It is a technique by which aspects of reality can be 'artificially' represented or 'simulated' and at the same time simplified to facilitate comprehension." (Laxmi K Patnaik, "Model Building in Political Science", The Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 50, No. 2, 1989) 

"A model is generally more believable if it can predict what will happen, rather than 'explain' something that has already occurred. […] Model building is not so much the safe and cozy codification of what we are confident about as it is a means of orderly speculation." (James R Thompson, "Empirical Model Building", 1989)

"Model is used as a theory. It becomes theory when the purpose of building a model is to understand the mechanisms involved in the developmental process. Hence as theory, model does not carve up or change the world, but it explains how change takes place and in what way or manner. This leads to build change in the structures." (Laxmi K Patnaik, "Model Building in Political Science", The Indian Journal of Political Science Vol. 50 (2), 1989)

"Modeling in its broadest sense is the cost-effective use of something in place of something else for some [cognitive] purpose. It allows us to use something that is simpler, safer, or cheaper than reality instead of reality for some purpose. A model represents reality for the given purpose; the model is an abstraction of reality in the sense that it cannot represent all aspects of reality. This allows us to deal with the world in a simplified manner, avoiding the complexity, danger and irreversibility of reality." (Jeff Rothenberg, "The Nature of Modeling. In: Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, and Modeling", 1989)

"Modeling underlies our ability to think and imagine, to use signs and language, to communicate, to generalize from experience, to deal with the unexpected, and to make sense out of the raw bombardment of our sensations. It allows us to see patterns, to appreciate, predict, and manipulate processes and things, and to express meaning and purpose. In short, it is one of the most essential activities of the human mind. It is the foundation of what we call intelligent behavior and is a large part of what makes us human. We are, in a word, modelers: creatures that build and use models routinely, habitually – sometimes even compulsively – to face, understand, and interact with reality."  (Jeff Rothenberg, "The Nature of Modeling. In: Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, and Modeling", 1989)

"When evaluating a model, at least two broad standards are relevant. One is whether the model is consistent with the data. The other is whether the model is consistent with the ‘real world’." (Kenneth A Bollen, "Structural Equations with Latent Variables", 1989)

"Whenever we axiomitize a real-world system, we always, of necessity, oversimplify. Frequently, the oversimplification will adequately describe the system for the purposes at hand. In many other cases, the oversimplification may seem deceptively close to reality, when in fact it is far wide of the mark. The best hope, of course, is the use of a model adequate to explain observation. However, when we are unable to develop an adequate model, we would generally be well advised to stick with empiricism and axiomatic imprecision." (James R Thompson, "Empirical Model Building", 1989)

"A model is something one tries to construct when one has to describe a complicated situation. A model is therefore an approximate description of reality and invariably involves many simplifying assumptions. […] models are convenient idealisations." (Ganeschan Venkataraman, "Chandrasekhar and His Limit", 1992)

"An internal model allows a system to look ahead to the future consequences of current actions, without actually committing itself to those actions. In particular, the system can avoid acts that would set it irretrievably down some road to future disaster ('stepping off a cliff'). Less dramatically, but equally important, the model enables the agent to make current 'stage-setting' moves that set up later moves that are obviously advantageous. The very essence of a competitive advantage, whether it be in chess or economics, is the discovery and execution of stage-setting moves." (John H Holland, 1992)

"Mathematical modeling is about rules - the rules of reality. What distinguishes a mathematical model from, say, a poem, a song, a portrait or any other kind of ‘model’, is that the mathematical model is an image or picture of reality painted with logical symbols instead of with words, sounds or watercolors." (John Casti, "Reality Rules", 1992)

"Nature behaves in ways that look mathematical, but nature is not the same as mathematics. Every mathematical model makes simplifying assumptions; its conclusions are only as valid as those assumptions."  (Ian Stewart & Martin Golubitsky, "Fearful Symmetry: Is God a Geometer?", 1992)

"Pedantry and sectarianism aside, the aim of theoretical physics is to construct mathematical models such as to enable us, from the use of knowledge gathered in a few observations, to predict by logical processes the outcomes in many other circumstances. Any logically sound theory satisfying this condition is a good theory, whether or not it be derived from ‘ultimate’ or ‘fundamental’ truth." (Clifford Truesdell and Walter Noll, "The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics" 2nd Ed., 1992)

"Physicists' models are like maps: never final, never complete until they grow as large and complex as the reality they represent." (James Gleick, "Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman, Epilogue", 1992)

"Scientists use mathematics to build mental universes. They write down mathematical descriptions - models - that capture essential fragments of how they think the world behaves. Then they analyse their consequences. This is called 'theory'. They test their theories against observations: this is called 'experiment'. Depending on the result, they may modify the mathematical model and repeat the cycle until theory and experiment agree. Not that it's really that simple; but that's the general gist of it, the essence of the scientific method." (Ian Stewart & Martin Golubitsky, "Fearful Symmetry: Is God a Geometer?", 1992)

"The impossibility of constructing a complete, accurate quantitative description of a complex system forces observers to pick which aspects of the system they most wish to understand." (Thomas Levenson, "Measure for Measure: A musical history of science", 1994)

"[…] it does not seem helpful just to say that all models are wrong. The very word model implies simplification and idealization. The idea that complex physical, biological or sociological systems can be exactly described by a few formulae is patently absurd. The construction of idealized representations that capture important stable aspects of such systems is, however, a vital part of general scientific analysis and statistical models, especially substantive ones, do not seem essentially different from other kinds of model." (Sir David Cox, "Comment on ‘Model uncertainty, data mining and statistical inference’", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A 158, 1995)

"I do not know that my view is more correct; I do not even think that ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are good categories for assessing complex mental models of external reality - for models in science are judged [as] useful or detrimental, not as true or false." (Stephen Jay Gould, "Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in Natural History", 1995)

"In constructing a model, we always attempt to maximize its usefulness. This aim is closely connected with the relationship among three key characteristics of every systems model: complexity, credibility, and uncertainty. This relationship is not as yet fully understood. We only know that uncertainty (predictive, prescriptive, etc.) has a pivotal role in any efforts to maximize the usefulness of systems models. Although usually (but not always) undesirable when considered alone, uncertainty becomes very valuable when considered in connection to the other characteristics of systems models: in general, allowing more uncertainty tends to reduce complexity and increase credibility of the resulting model. Our challenge in systems modelling is to develop methods by which an optimal level of allowable uncertainty can be estimated for each modelling problem." (George J Klir & Bo Yuan, "Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications", 1995)

"Model building is the art of selecting those aspects of a process that are relevant to the question being asked. As with any art, this selection is guided by taste, elegance, and metaphor; it is a matter of induction, rather than deduction. High science depends on this art." (John H Holland," Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity", 1995)

"The larger, more detailed and complex the model - the less abstract the abstraction – the smaller the number of people capable of understanding it and the longer it takes for its weaknesses and limitations to be found out." (John Adams, "Risk", 1995)

"The science of statistics may be described as exploring, analyzing and summarizing data; designing or choosing appropriate ways of collecting data and extracting information from them; and communicating that information. Statistics also involves constructing and testing models for describing chance phenomena. These models can be used as a basis for making inferences and drawing conclusions and, finally, perhaps for making decisions." (Fergus Daly et al, "Elements of Statistics", 1995)

"There is no sharp dividing line between scientific theories and models, and mathematics is used similarly in both. The important thing is to possess a delicate judgement of the accuracy of your model or theory. An apparently crude model can often be surprisingly effective, in which case its plain dress should not mislead. In contrast, some apparently very good models can be hiding dangerous weaknesses." (David Wells, "You Are a Mathematician: A wise and witty introduction to the joy of numbers", 1995)

“In the new systems thinking, the metaphor of knowledge as a building is being replaced by that of the network. As we perceive reality as a network of relationships, our descriptions, too, form an interconnected network of concepts and models in which there are no foundations. For most scientists such a view of knowledge as a network with no firm foundations is extremely unsettling, and today it is by no means generally accepted. But as the network approach expands throughout the scientific community, the idea of knowledge as a network will undoubtedly find increasing acceptance.” (Fritjof Capra, “The Web of Life: a new scientific understanding of living systems”, 1996)

"The role of science, like that of art, is to blend proximate imagery with more distant meaning, the parts we already understand with those given as new into larger patterns that are coherent enough to be acceptable as truth. Biologists know this relation by intuition during the course of fieldwork, as they struggle to make order out of the infinitely varying patterns of nature." (Edward O Wilson, "In Search of Nature", 1996)

“A good model makes the right strategic simplifications. In fact, a really good model is one that generates a lot of understanding from focusing on a very small number of causal arrows.” (Robert M Solow, “How Did Economics Get That Way and What Way Did It Get?”, Daedalus, Vol. 126, No. 1, 1997)

"A model is a deliberately simplified representation of a much more complicated situation. […] The idea is to focus on one or two causal or conditioning factors, exclude everything else, and hope to understand how just these aspects of reality work and interact." (Robert M Solow, "How Did Economics Get That Way and What Way Did It Get?", Daedalus, Vol. 126, No. 1, 1997)

"It may not be obvious at first, but the study of emergence and model-building go hand in hand. The essence of model-building is shearing away detail to get at essential elements. A model, by concentrating on selected aspects of the world, makes possible the prediction and planning that reveal new possibilities. That is exactly the problem we face in trying to develop a scientific understanding of emergence." (John H Holland, "Emergence" , Philosophica 59, 1997)

"Models of the real world are not always easy to formulate because of the richness, variety, and ambiguity that exists in the real world or because of our ambiguous understanding of it." (George Dantzig & Mukund N Thapa, Linear Programming, Vol I, 1997)

"Paradigms are the most general-rather like a philosophical or ideological framework. Theories are more specific, based on the paradigm and designed to describe what happens in one of the many realms of events encompassed by the paradigm. Models are even more specific providing the mechanisms by which events occur in a particular part of the theory's realm. Of all three, models are most affected by empirical data - models come and go, theories only give way when evidence is overwhelmingly against them and paradigms stay put until a radically better idea comes along." (Lee R Beach, "The Psychology of Decision Making: People in Organizations", 1997)

"Shearing away detail is the very essence of model building. Whatever else we require, a model must be simpler than the thing modeled. In certain kinds of fiction, a model that is identical with the thing modeled provides an interesting device, but it never happens in reality. Even with virtual reality, which may come close to this literary identity one day, the underlying model obeys laws which have a compact description in the computer - a description that generates the details of the artificial world." (John H Holland, "Emergence" , Philosophica 59, 1997)

"The point is that scientific descriptions of phenomena in all of these cases do not fully capture reality they are models. This is not a shortcoming but a strength of science much of the scientist's art lies in figuring out what to include and what to exclude in a model, and this ability allows science to make useful predictions without getting bogged down by intractable details." (Philip Ball," The Self-Made Tapestry: Pattern Formation in Nature", 1998)

"[…] the pursuit of science is more than the pursuit of understanding. It is driven by the creative urge, the urge to construct a vision, a map, a picture of the world that gives the world a little more beauty and coherence than it had before." (John A Wheeler, "Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam: A Life in Physics", 1998)

"Thematic analysis is a process for encoding quantitative information. The encoding requires an explicit 'code' . This may be a list of themes; a complex model with themes, indicators, and qualifications that are causally related; or something in between these two forms. A theme is a pattern found in the information that at minimum describes and organizes the possible observations and at maximum interprets aspects of the phenomenon. A theme may be identified at the manifest level (directly observable in the information) or at the latent level (underlying the phenomenon). The themes may be initially generated inductively from the raw information or generated deductively from theory or prior research." (Richard E Boyatzis, "Transforming qualitative information: Thematic analysis and code development", 1998)

"A model is an external and explicit representation of part of reality as seen by the people who wish to use that model to understand, to change, to manage, and to control that part of reality in some way or other." (Michael Pidd, "Just Modeling through: A Rough Guide to Modeling", Interfaces, Vol. 29, No. 2, 1999)

"Complexity is that property of a model which makes it difficult to formulate its overall behaviour in a given language, even when given reasonably complete information about its atomic components and their inter-relations." (Bruce Edmonds, "Syntactic Measures of Complexity", 1999)

"Imagining the unseeable is hard, because imagining means having an image in your mind. And how can you have a mental image of something you have never seen? Like perception itself, the models of science are embedded inextricably in the current worldview we call culture." (K C Cole, "First You Build a Cloud and Other Reflections on Physics as a Way of Life", 1999)

"Knowledge is encoded in models. Models are synthetic sets of rules, pictures, and algorithms providing us with useful representations of the world of our perceptions and of their patterns. As argued by philosophers and shown by scientists, we do not have access to 'reality', only to some of its manifestations, whose regularities are used to determine rules, which when widely applicable become 'laws of nature'. These laws are constantly tested in the scientific march, and they evolve, develop and transmute as the frontier of knowledge recedes further away."  (Burton G Malkiel, "A Random Walk Down Wall Street", 1999)

"Models form extraordinarily powerful and economical ways of thinking about the world. In fact they are often so good that the model is confused with reality." (David Stirzaker, "Probability and Random Variables: A Beginner's Guide", 1999)

"No matter how beautiful the whole model may be, no matter how naturally it all seems to hang together now, if it disagrees with experiment, then it is wrong." (John Gribbin, "Almost Everyone’s Guide to Science", 1999)

"We do not learn much from looking at a model - we learn more from building the model and manipulating it. Just as one needs to use or observe the use of a hammer in order to really understand its function, similarly, models have to be used before they will give up their secrets. In this sense, they have the quality of a technology - the power of the model only becomes apparent in the context of its use." (Margaret Morrison & Mary S Morgan, "Models as mediating instruments", 1999)

"Building statistical models is just like this. You take a real situation with real data, messy as this is, and build a model that works to explain the behavior of real data." (Martha Stocking, New York Times, 2000)

"The model [of reality] takes on a life of its own, in which its future is under perpetual construction through the micro interactions of the diverse entities comprising it. The 'final' form toward which it moves is not given in the model itself, nor is it being chosen from outside the model. The forms continually emerge in an unpredictable way as the system moves into the unknown. However, there is nothing mysterious or esoteric about this. What emerges does so because of the transformative cause of the process of the micro interactions, the fluctuations themselves." (Ralph D Stacey et al, "Complexity and Management: Fad or Radical Challenge to Systems Thinking?", 2000)

"Formulation of a mathematical model is the first step in the process of analyzing the behaviour of any real system. However, to produce a useful model, one must first adopt a set of simplifying assumptions which have to be relevant in relation to the physical features of the system to be modelled and to the specific information one is interested in. Thus, the aim of modelling is to produce an idealized description of reality, which is both expressible in a tractable mathematical form and sufficiently close to reality as far as the physical mechanisms of interest are concerned." (Francois Axisa, "Discrete Systems" Vol. I, 2001)

"A model is an imitation of reality and a mathematical model is a particular form of representation. We should never forget this and get so distracted by the model that we forget the real application which is driving the modelling. In the process of model building we are translating our real world problem into an equivalent mathematical problem which we solve and then attempt to interpret. We do this to gain insight into the original real world situation or to use the model for control, optimization or possibly safety studies." (Ian T Cameron & Katalin Hangos, "Process Modelling and Model Analysis", 2001)

"A good way to evaluate a model is to look at a visual representation of it. After all, what is easier to understand - a table full of mathematical relationships or a graphic displaying a decision tree with all of its splits and branches?" (Seth Paul et al. "Preparing and Mining Data with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Analysis", 2002)

"A model isolates one or a few causal connections, mechanisms, or processes, to the exclusion of other contributing or interfering factors - while in the actual world, those other factors make their effects felt in what actually happens. Models may seem true in the abstract, and are false in the concrete. The key issue is about whether there is a bridge between the two, the abstract and the concrete, such that a simple model can be relied on as a source of relevantly truthful information about the complex reality." (Uskali Mäki, "Fact and Fiction in Economics: Models, Realism and Social Construction", 2002)

"Modeling involves a style of scientific thinking in which the argument is structured by the model, but in which the application is achieved via a narrative prompted by an external fact, an imagined event or question to be answered." (Uskali Mäki, "Fact and Fiction in Economics: Models, Realism and Social Construction", 2002)

"Science begins with the world we have to live in, accepting its data and trying to explain its laws. From there, it moves toward the imagination: it becomes a mental construct, a model of a possible way of interpreting experience. The further it goes in this direction, the more it tends to speak the language of mathematics, which is really one of the languages of the imagination, along with literature and music." (Northrop Frye, "The Educated Imagination", 2002)

"The claim that scientific models are metaphors is tied to the fact that often an analogy is exploited to construct a model about a phenomenon. [...] Scientific models appear to be, contrary to past research traditions, as central in scientific practice for describing and communicating aspects of the empirical world as metaphors are in ordinary language." (Daniela M Bailer-Jones," Models, Metaphors and Analogies", 2002)

"Always remember that the model is not the diagram. The diagram’s purpose is to help communicate and explain the model. The code can serve as a repository of the details of the design." (Eric Evans, "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling complexity in the heart of software", 2003)

"Knowledge is encoded in models. Models are synthetic sets of rules, and pictures, and algorithms providing us with useful representations of the world of our perceptions and of their patterns." (Didier Sornette, "Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Systems", 2003)

"Maps are models, and every model represents some aspect of reality or an idea that is of interest. A model is a simplification. It is an interpretation of reality that abstracts the aspects relevant to solving the problem at hand and ignores extraneous detail." (Eric Evans, "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling complexity in the heart of software", 2003)

"What is a mathematical model? One basic answer is that it is the formulation in mathematical terms of the assumptions and their consequences believed to underlie a particular ‘real world’ problem. The aim of mathematical modeling is the practical application of mathematics to help unravel the underlying mechanisms involved in, for example, economic, physical, biological, or other systems and processes." (John A Adam, "Mathematics in Nature", 2003)

"Mathematical modeling is as much ‘art’ as ‘science’: it requires the practitioner to (i) identify a so-called ‘real world’ problem (whatever the context may be); (ii) formulate it in mathematical terms (the ‘word problem’ so beloved of undergraduates); (iii) solve the problem thus formulated (if possible; perhaps approximate solutions will suffice, especially if the complete problem is intractable); and (iv) interpret the solution in the context of the original problem." (John A Adam, "Mathematics in Nature", 2003)

"All models are mental projections of our understanding of processes and feedbacks of systems in the real world. The general approach is that models are as good as the system upon which they are based. Models should be designed to answer specific questions and only incorporate the necessary details that are required to provide an answer." (Hördur V Haraldsson & Harald U Sverdrup, "Finding Simplicity in Complexity in Biogeochemical Modelling" [in "Environmental Modelling: Finding Simplicity in Complexity", Ed. by John Wainwright and Mark Mulligan], 2004)

"Alternative models are neither right nor wrong, just more or less useful in allowing us to operate in the world and discover more and better options for solving problems." (Andrew Weil," The Natural Mind: A Revolutionary Approach to the Drug Problem", 2004)

"The definition of a ‘good model’ is when everything inside it is visible, inspectable and testable. It can be communicated effortlessly to others. A ‘bad model’ is a model that does not meet these standards, where parts are hidden, undefined or concealed and it cannot be inspected or tested; these are often labelled black box models." (Hördur V Haraldsson & Harald U Sverdrup, "Finding Simplicity in Complexity in Biogeochemical Modelling" [in "Environmental Modelling: Finding Simplicity in Complexity", Ed. by John Wainwright and Mark Mulligan, 2004])

"A model is a simplification or approximation of reality and hence will not reflect all of reality. […] Box noted that ‘all models are wrong, but some are useful’. While a model can never be ‘truth’, a model might be ranked from very useful, to useful, to somewhat useful to, finally, essentially useless." (Kenneth P Burnham & David R Anderson, "Model Selection and Multimodel Inference: A Practical Information-Theoretic Approach" 2nd Ed., 2005)

"We tackle a multifaceted universe one face at a time, tailoring our models and equations to fit the facts at hand. Whatever mechanical conception proves appropriate, that is the one to use. Discovering worlds within worlds, a practical observer will deal with each realm on its own terms. It is the only sensible approach to take." (Michael Munowitz, "Knowing: The Nature of Physical Law", 2005)

"A model is called a model of a theory exactly if the theory is entirely true if considered with respect to this model alone. (Figuratively: the theory would be true if this model was the whole world.)" (Martin Thomson‐Jones, "Models and the Semantic View", 2006) 

"Effective models require a real world that has enough structure so that some of the details can be ignored. This implies the existence of solid and stable building blocks that encapsulate key parts of the real system’s behavior. Such building blocks provide enough separation from details to allow modeling to proceed."(John H. Miller & Scott E. Page," Complex Adaptive Systems: An Introduction to Computational Models of Social Life", 2007)

"In order to understand how mathematics is applied to understanding of the real world it is convenient to subdivide it into the following three modes of functioning: model, theory, metaphor. A mathematical model describes a certain range of phenomena qualitatively or quantitatively. […] A (mathematical) metaphor, when it aspires to be a cognitive tool, postulates that some complex range of phenomena might be compared to a mathematical construction." (Yuri I Manin," Mathematics as Metaphor: Selected Essays of Yuri I. Manin" , 2007)

"In science we try to explain reality by using models (theories). This is necessary because reality itself is too complex. So we need to come up with a model for that aspect of reality we want to understand – usually with the help of mathematics. Of course, these models or theories can only be simplifications of that part of reality we are looking at. A model can never be a perfect description of reality, and there can never be a part of reality perfectly mirroring a model." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"It is also inevitable for any model or theory to have an uncertainty (a difference between model and reality). Such uncertainties apply both to the numerical parameters of the model and to the inadequacy of the model as well. Because it is much harder to get a grip on these types of uncertainties, they are disregarded, usually." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"Models need to be judged by what they eliminate as much as by what they include - like stone carving, the art is in removing what you do not need." (John H. Miller & Scott E. Page, "Complex Adaptive Systems: An Introduction to Computational Models of Social Life", 2007)

"There are no surprising facts, only models that are surprised by facts; and if a model is surprised by the facts, it is no credit to that model." (Eliezer S Yudkowsky, "Quantum Explanations", 2008)

"A model is a representation in that it (or its properties) is chosen to stand for some other entity (or its properties), known as the target system. A model is a tool in that it is used in the service of particular goals or purposes; typically these purposes involve answering some limited range of questions about the target system." (Wendy S Parker, "Confirmation and Adequacy-for-Purpose in Climate Modelling", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes, Vol. 83, 2009)

"In order to deal with these phenomena, we abstract from details and attempt to concentrate on the larger picture - a particular set of features of the real world or the structure that underlies the processes that lead to the observed outcomes. Models are such abstractions of reality. Models force us to face the results of the structural and dynamic assumptions that we have made in our abstractions." (Bruce Hannon and Matthias Ruth, "Dynamic Modeling of Diseases and Pests", 2009)

"Much of the recorded knowledge of physics and engineering is written in the form of mathematical models. These mathematical models form the foundations of our understanding of the universe we live in. Furthermore, nearly all of the existing technology, in one way or another, rests on these models. To the extent that we are surrounded by evidence of the technology working and being reliable, human confidence in the validity of the underlying mathematical models is all but unshakable." (Jerzy A Filar, "Mathematical Models", 2009)

"A model is a good model if it:1. Is elegant 2. Contains few arbitrary or adjustable elements 3. Agrees with and explains all existing observations 4. Makes detailed predictions about future observations that can disprove or falsify the model if they are not borne out." (Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow, "The Grand Design", 2010)

"With each theory or model, our concepts of reality and of the fundamental constituents of the universe have changed." (Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow, "The Grand Design", 2010)

"A theory is a set of deductively closed propositions that explain and predict empirical phenomena, and a model is a theory that is idealized." (Jay Odenbaugh, "True Lies: Realism, Robustness, and Models", Philosophy of Science, Vol. 78, No. 5, 2011)

"Abstract formulations of simply stated concrete ideas are often the result of efforts to create idealized models of complex systems. The models are 'idealized' in the sense that they retain only the most fundamental properties of the original systems. The vocabulary is chosen to be as inclusive as possible so that research into the model reveals facts about a wide variety of similar systems. Unfortunately, it is often the case that over time the connection between a model and the systems on which it was based is lost, and the interested reader is faced with something that looks as if it were created to be deliberately complicated - deliberately confusing - but the original intention was just the opposite. Often, the model was devised to be simpler and more transparent than any of the systems on which it was based." (John Tabak, "Beyond Geometry: A new mathematics of space and form", 2011)

"There are actually two sides to the success of mathematics in explaining the world around us (a success that Wigner dubbed ‘the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics’), one more astonishing than the other. First, there is an aspect one might call ‘active’. When physicists wander through nature’s labyrinth, they light their way by mathematics - the tools they use and develop, the models they construct, and the explanations they conjure are all mathematical in nature. This, on the face of it, is a miracle in itself. […] But there is also a ‘passive’ side to the mysterious effectiveness of mathematics, and it is so surprising that the 'active' aspect pales by comparison. Concepts and relations explored by mathematicians only for pure reasons - with absolutely no application in mind—turn out decades (or sometimes centuries) later to be the unexpected solutions to problems grounded in physical reality!" (Mario Livio, "Is God a Mathematician?", 2011)

"Equations have hidden powers. They reveal the innermost secrets of nature. […] The power of equations lies in the philosophically difficult correspondence between mathematics, a collective creation of human minds, and an external physical reality. Equations model deep patterns in the outside world. By learning to value equations, and to read the stories they tell, we can uncover vital features of the world around us." (Ian Stewart, "In Pursuit of the Unknown", 2012)

“Models do not only describe reality, they are also instruments for exploring reality. They are not only involved in the integration of known data, but also in the discovery of new data.” (Andreas Bartels, “The Standard Model of Cosmology as a Tool for Interpretation and Discovery”, 2013)

"One good experiment is worth a thousand models […]; but one good model can make a thousand experiments unnecessary." (David Lloyd & Evgenii I Volkov, "The Ultradian Clock: Timekeeping for Intracelular Dynamics" [in "Complexity, Chaos, and Biological Evolution", Ed. by Erik Mosekilde & Lis Mosekilde, 2013)

"Science does not live with facts alone. In addition to facts, it needs models. Scientific models fulfill two main functions with respect to empirical facts." (Andreas Bartels [in "Models, Simulations, and the Reduction of Complexity", Ed. by Ulrich Gähde et al, 2013)

"In general, when building statistical models, we must not forget that the aim is to understand something about the real world. Or predict, choose an action, make a decision, summarize evidence, and so on, but always about the real world, not an abstract mathematical world: our models are not the reality - a point well made by George Box in his oft-cited remark that "all models are wrong, but some are useful". (David Hand, "Wonderful examples, but let's not close our eyes", Statistical Science 29, 2014)

"Mathematical modeling is the application of mathematics to describe real-world problems and investigating important questions that arise from it." (Sandip Banerjee, "Mathematical Modeling: Models, Analysis and Applications", 2014)

"Models can be: formulations, abstractions, replicas, idealizations, metaphors - and combinations of these. [...] Some mathematical models have been blindly used - their presuppositions as little understood as any legal fine print one ‘agrees to’ but never reads - with faith in their trustworthiness. The very arcane nature of some of the formulations of these models might have contributed to their being given so much credence. If so, we mathematicians have an important mission to perform: to help people who wish to think through the fundamental assumptions underlying models that are couched in mathematical language, making these models intelligible, rather than (merely) formidable Delphic oracles.” (Barry Mazur, "The Authority of the Incomprehensible" , 2014)

"Design is the process of taking something that appears in the mind’s eye, modeling it in one or more of a number of ways, predicting how that thing will behave if it is made, and then making it, sometimes modifying the design as we make it. Design is what engineering is about. Furthermore, modeling is how engineering design is done. This includes mental models, mathematical models, computer models, plans and drawings, written language, and (sometimes) physical models." (William M Bulleit, "The Engineering Way of Thinking: The Idea", Structure [magazine], 2015)

"It is important to remember that predictive data analytics models built using machine learning techniques are tools that we can use to help make better decisions within an organization and are not an end in themselves. It is paramount that, when tasked with creating a predictive model, we fully understand the business problem that this model is being constructed to address and ensure that it does address it." (John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, worked examples, and case studies", 2015)

"Representation is intrinsic to human life and engineering practice. We communicate with other people throughout the design and construction process by means of words, diagrams, and sketches. We create mental and computational models of materials, loads, and the arrangement of members. We develop building information models (BIM), drawings, and specifications to indicate how the various pieces and parts are to be assembled into the finished structure." (Jon A Schmidt, "Representation and Reality", Structure [magazine], 2015)

"There are two kinds of mistakes that an inappropriate inductive bias can lead to: underfitting and overfitting. Underfitting occurs when the prediction model selected by the algorithm is too simplistic to represent the underlying relationship in the dataset between the descriptive features and the target feature. Overfitting, by contrast, occurs when the prediction model selected by the algorithm is so complex that the model fits to the dataset too closely and becomes sensitive to noise in the data."(John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies", 2015)

"A mathematical model is never a completely accurate representation of a physical situation - it is an idealization. A good model simplifies reality enough to permit mathematical calculations but is accurate enough to provide valuable conclusions. It is important to realize the limitations of the model. In the end, Mother Nature has the final say." (James Stewart, "Calculus: Early Transcedentals" 8th Ed., 2016)

"A mathematical model is a mathematical description (often by means of a function or an equation) of a real-world phenomenon such as the size of a population, the demand for a product, the speed of a falling object, the concentration of a product in a chemical reaction, the life expectancy of a person at birth, or the cost of emission reductions. The purpose of the model is to understand the phenomenon and perhaps to make predictions about future behavior. [...] A mathematical model is never a completely accurate representation of a physical situation - it is an idealization." (James Stewart, "Calculus: Early Transcedentals" 8th Ed., 2016)

"A model may be defined as a substitute of any object or system. […] A mental image used in thinking is a model, and it is not the real system. A written description of a system is a model that presents one aspect of reality. The simulation model is logically complete and describes the dynamic behaviour of the system. Models can be broadly classified as (a) physical models and (b) abstract models [..] Mental models and mathematical models are examples of abstract models." (Bilash K Bala et al, "System Dynamics: Modelling and Simulation", 2017)

"An all-inclusive model would be like the map in the famous story by Borges - perfect and inclusive because it was identical to the territory it was mapping." (Reuben Hersh,” Mathematics as an Empirical Phenomenon, Subject to Modeling”, 2017) 

"Different models are both competitive and complementary. Their standing will depend on their benefits in practice. If philosophy of mathematics were seen as modeling rather than as taking positions, it might consider paying attention to mathematics research and mathematics teaching as testing grounds for its models." (Reuben Hersh, ”Mathematics as an Empirical Phenomenon, Subject to Modeling", 2017)

"For a scientist, a model is useful if it generates insight into the structure of [the] real system, makes correct prediction and stimulates meaningful questions for future research. For the public and political leaders, a model is useful if it explains the causes of important problems and provides a basis for designing policy to improve the behaviour of the system. Validity meaning confidence in a model’s usefulness is inherently relative concepts. One must choose between competing models." (Bilash K Bala et al, "System Dynamics: Modelling and Simulation", 2017)

"Mathematical modeling is the modern version of both applied mathematics and theoretical physics. In earlier times, one proposed not a model but a theory. By talking today of a model rather than a theory, one acknowledges that the way one studies the phenomenon is not unique; it could also be studied other ways. One's model need not claim to be unique or final. It merits consideration if it provides an insight that isn't better provided by some other model." (Reuben Hersh, "Mathematics as an Empirical Phenomenon, Subject to Modeling", 2017)

"There is nothing in either physical or social science about which we have perfect knowledge and information. We can never say that a model is a perfect representation of the reality. On the other hand, we can say that there is nothing of which we know absolutely nothing. So, models should not be judged on an absolute scale but on relative scale if the models clarify our knowledge and provide insights into systems." (Bilash K Bala et al, "System Dynamics: Modelling and Simulation", 2017)

"The different classes of models have a lot to learn from each other, but the goal of full integration has proven counterproductive. No model can be all things to all people." (Olivier Blanchard, "On the future of macroeconomic models", Oxford Review of Economic Policy Vol. 34 (1–2), 2018)
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